Dr Padma is a Family care physician and is the Founder and CEO of MedHealthTV.
This is Your 24th week. This week the doctor may get a glucose test done for you during your checkup. The doctor draws your blood for testing for gestational diabetes. Most of the time this test is done in the 24th week. Gestational diabetes is seen in 2 to 3 % of the pregnant women. Gestational diabetes can be controlled and usually disappears after delivery.
The Urine pregnancy test which can be easily done at home is called a Home pregnancy test. This test can be done 5 to 7 days after you miss your period. There are several pregnancy test kits available in the market. You can buy these test strips in any pharmacy over the counter. All home pregnancy tests read the same thing: they measure the level of a hormone called HCG
This is Your 23rd week. Till now the baby looks very shrivelled as the baby still has not got much fat in its skin and the skin seems transparent, and we can see the blood vessels through the skin. But as time passes, more and more fat gets deposited under the skin and the baby gains weight and by birth is nice and chubby. baby is 11 inches long and 500 grams in weight by the end of this week.
This is your 22nd week and you are in the middle of your 2nd trimester. You may have some breast pain. When you to your check-up this week, the doctor may check your weight. She may also do a urine test for sugar and albumin. She will check the height of your abdomen and with this, the Doctor will be able to judge the growth of the baby and gestational age of the baby.
After a few weeks of false contractions or Braxton-hicks contractions which are called practice contractions, it may be time for the true labor. So how does a true contraction feel like? The uterus is a muscular organ and it contracts and relaxes. This is nature’s way of pushing the baby out of the birth canal. Uterus would have expanded into a huge muscle by 9 months, so when this begins to contract,
This is the 21st week. Are you eager to know what the baby eats while in your tummy? Well, you will be surprised to know that your little baby is actually drinking some amount of amniotic-fluid every day and keeping its digestive system active. And it is said that the taste of the amniotic fluid is dependent on the diet of the mother. So you have to eat nutritious and delicious food.
An episiotomy is a surgical incision used to enlarge the vaginal opening to help deliver a baby. Since most first time mothers tear naturally during birth, the idea was that episiotomies could help the process by making the tear cleaner and better cut, than the irregular tear which occurs naturally. This tear is repaired with stitches after the birth of the baby and placenta.
Many pregnant women ask me questions about placenta and sometimes about various positions of a placenta. The placenta nourishes the baby through pregnancy and typically attaches to the uterus in the back i.e posterior of the uterus. But sometimes the placenta can get attached anywhere else in the uterus like the sides, top, bottom. When it is attached at the bottom
Many pregnant women may experience pain in their lower abdomen or groin area, while this can be very irritating and bothersome, this pain is typically common, and not usually cause for concern. Your body goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy to make room for the growing baby. It is not uncommon to have sometimes severe bouts of pain in these areas.
Many women can't give up their coffee or tea. While it is OK to consume may be glass or two of coffee or Tea, it is very important to keep yourself hydrated by drinking water too. Teas, sodas and alcoholic beverages can act as a diuretic and too much consumption can lead to dehydration. Once you become pregnant, you definitely want to increase your water consumption.