Dr Padma is a Family care physician and is the Founder and CEO of MedHealthTV.
When you are in your 9th month of pregnancy, you go through mixed feelings of anxiety, happiness and this period is also a time when you are most uncomfortable physically, as you are big and have to carry this extra weight around. Pregnant women in their last trimester are also not very comfortable sleeping. Trying to find a comfortable position and getting a good night of sleep is tough for many pregnant women,
Whether you are pregnant or not, Vitamin D is very important for health. Since women are outside less during the colder months, It is especially important to continue taking your vitamins during winter and along with it your calcium too. The best place to get Vitamin D is from the sun, but the lack of sunlight and exposure to the sunlight can prevent everyone from getting enough vitamin D.
You are almost halfway through your pregnancy. It is time to feel good and relaxed and enjoy your pregnancy. Your uterus may be felt almost close to your belly button. This week symptoms of vomiting and nausea may also have come down. You would have increased close to 3 kgs from your pre-pregnancy weight. In the second trimester, you may gain almost 1 kg every month.
This is your 19th week. The baby is growing rapidly. By the end of this week, the baby is probably 8 to 9 inches long and 600 grams in weight. The baby’s kidneys could also have begun functioning now and making urine and the baby’s head could have some hairs on it. The brain would have also developed by now and muscles would also be developing.
This is the 18th week. You may be feeling a lot hungry this week. This happens because the baby is being supported by the mother. You have to take care of what you eat as the baby is getting all its nutrition from you. You may also begin to gain weight. You should remember to stay active and do some mild exercises like walking and yoga and also avoid fatty foods.
It is cold outside and you are in your last trimester. Being a full term in winter can carry a few risks and you may need to take some precautions and extra care. The weather being cold outside, it is especially important for you to stay warm. The immunity of pregnant women is usually suppressed, and thus they are more prone to infections.
Many women complain of lack of sleep during the last trimester of pregnancy. The lack of sleep can be due to various reasons from stress about the childbirth and also the added responsibility you will have in future, to just being uncomfortable due to the huge size of your belly. Lack of sleep in some women may be because of heartburn and may make the lady sit up all night.
You may experience a backache, leg pain, and increasing hunger. The uterus can be felt almost below your umbilicus. The backache could be because of the increase in your weight. You should lie down and take rest and this usually brings down the pain. You should also watch your diet and try to take many meals a day but in small quantities. You need to keep your blood sugar levels normal all the time.
Would like to bring your notice to a few test which need to be done in this week. The 16th week of pregnancy is very important and Doctors usually test for Down's syndrome and spina bifida in the baby during this week. This is a blood test done on the mother and does not cause any harm to the baby. You may get the results of the test in a week to 10 days.
Times have changed and there are many women in the workforce now than before. Women want to preserve their maternity leave for after delivery and try to come to work till they deliver. While it is good to be active and keep your mind occupied, You may be trying to squeeze in every last second to get work done before the baby is born. If work is not too stressful and you have a handle on it than great!