Dr Padma is a Family care physician and is the Founder and CEO of MedHealthTV.
Testing new story
Mrinali was in her 29th week. She wanted to know what are the tests that need to be done during the next 3 months of her pregnancy. The doctor explained to her that - the third trimester starts from the 28th week of pregnancy and ends at the birth of the baby. The fetus is usually viable by this point of pregnancy, meaning it can survive if it is born but may need hospitalization. if it is born this early. So the tests performed during this trimester are mostly to monitor the growth of the baby and to prevent any foreseeable complications, like complications that could arise due to gestational diabetes or due to group B streptococcal infections etc.
I am sure you have heard from your Doctor’s about healthy habits and lifestyle during pregnancy. Proper nutrition, adequate exercise, daily vitamins etc. I feel - Meditation also needs to be added to this list of good habits during pregnancy.
Pregnancy puts a lot of physical and emotional strain on the mother. Postpartum is a time of healing, recuperating and bonding with the baby. Sarala had to go through C-section as an emergency measure, as her baby was in breech position and labour was not progressing as expected. The surgery was uneventful and so was the recovery. She was back home and was a little concerned about her diet and was concerned if she had to watch her diet.
Meena had gone to the Doctor for her 36th week Check up. Upon doing an ultrasound the Doctor told her that her Amniotic fluid index ( AFI) is on the lower normal - Borderline. An AFI between 8-18 is considered normal. Meena’s was 8. She got a little concerned about the health of her baby.
A team of gynaecologists and obstetricians at a city hospital in Jaipur, India were able to help a 31-year-old woman, during the 34th week of her pregnancy, with high-risk pregnancy deliver healthy triplets successfully.
In 2013 Indian photographer and activist Poulomi Basu was doing research into normalized violence against women when she chanced upon chaupadi. It’s an extreme practice in western Nepal where Hindu women and girls are banished from their homes and isolated from their families during their monthly menstruation.
Many of my patients are confused about the number of scans and blood tests which are done during pregnancy and especially the difference between first-trimester screening and the second-trimester screening. So let us know the differences and hopefully, it is clear to you all by the end of the blog.
The basic postpartum diet is a simple but healthy and wholesome one. One of the constituents of a healthy postpartum diet is fatty acids.
Fatty acids are the final breakdown product of fats in the diet. Fatty acids are either stored or used in the cells for energy. Fatty acids were once viewed as nothing more than a source of stored calories, but modern research has shown that the quality of fatty acids in the body has profound effects on human health.
अंजलि मेरी पेशंट आज सुबह मुझे फोन किया। मैं उसके स्वर से इकट्ठा कर चुकी ति कि वह बहुत चिंतित थी । उसने कहा "डॉक्टर, मैं बहुत डरी हुई हूँ, मुझे आज सुबह से थोड़ा रक्थ्स्रव हो रहा है। मैंने उसे पहले शांत होने के लिए कहा। स्पॉटिंग या हल्के रंग के योनि से रक्तस्राव व्यवहार्य और गैर-योग्य दोनों गर्भधारण में हो सकता है। अंजलि अपने 10 वें हफ्ते में थी। यह स्पष्ट रूप से घबराहट करने का विषय है, विशेष रूप से पहली तिमाही में । गर्भावस्ता के पहली तिमाही में सबसे डरने के लिए बहुत आसान है। आप अभी थोड़े दिनों के पहले अपने निकट और प्रिय के साथ समाचार बाट