Dr Padma is a Family care physician and is the Founder and CEO of MedHealthTV.
Key parameters to asses the health of the baby is its weight gain. Fetal weight development is measured after every ultrasound during pregnancy. During the first 8 weeks, the fetus is too small to be weighed. The first few weeks the fetal heartbeat and rate is monitored. From 8 weeks to 20 weeks, babies are measured from head to the bottom as their legs are still curled. After that, babies are measured from head to toe. During the scan, the radiologist will make a few measurements of the fetus like the - Biparietal diameter (BPD) which measures the baby’s head from side to side, Femur length (FL)-measuring the thigh bone length, Head circumference(HC), Occipitofrontal diameter(OFD)- the length from the root of the nose to frontal bone's most prominent point, Abdominal circumference(AC)-
62% of young women in India still using cloth for menstrual hygiene says the NFHS report 2015-2016. A film on menstruation set in rural India won the Oscar in the Documentary Short Subject category at the 91st Academy Awards. In January 2019, there was a report of a woman and her two sons suffocated to death in Nepal after she was forced to sleep in a windowless shed during her period. The ancient tradition was outlawed in 2005, yet it remains prevalent in Nepal's remote west. The monthly exclusion leaves women at risk of snake bites, attacks by wild animals and rape. Basically, both the survey and the film and the incident in Nepal show how so many taboos around menstruation still exist in many conservative societies.
शीला मतली, स्तन दर्द और मूत्र आवृत्ति का अनुभव कर रही है। वह गर्भवती है या नहीं उसे अभी पता नहीं है। वह अत्रुत है यह जानने के लिए । कोई भी महिला जो गर्भ धारण की कोशिश कर रही है, वह जानती है कि महवारी नहीं आने के पहले दिन और गर्भावस्था की परीक्षा लेने का समय और पुष्टि की दो लाल रेखाएं देखने का समय एक लंबा और बेचैनी का समय हो सकता है। अंडाणु बनने के तुरंत बाद महिलाएं गर्भावस्था के लक्षणों का अनुभव कर सकती हैं, जो कि ओव्यूलेशन के 8 से 14 दिनों के बीच होता है, यानी पिछली अवधि के बाद लगभग 20 से 21 दिन के बाद ।
If you have to get inside a locked house - What do you need? Keys to open the door. Similarly, there is a key which needs to be used for the glucose in the food you eat to get into the muscle cell, liver cells and all the other cells in the body. The key to all these cells is the Insulin released by the pancreas which is present in the blood cells. Once the key is turned in - the gates of the cells open allowing the entry of glucose, which is then utilized by the cells for the production of energy.
Shyla has been experiencing nausea, breast pain and urinary frequency. She is not sure if she is pregnant. She is anxious. Any Woman who has been trying to conceive knows that the time between first day of your missed period and the time to take the pregnancy test and see the two red lines of confirmation can be a long and anxious time. Women can experience pregnancy symptoms soon after the egg becomes implanted in the wall, which is between 8 and 14 days after ovulation, i.e around 20 to 21 days after the previous period.
Megan was advised by her friend to avoid coffee during pregnancy. But she was not sure about Tea? So she asked the Doctor - Doctor - Is drinking Tea considered detrimental to the baby? In other words, Can I drink tea during pregnancy?
Studies on pregnant women have shown that Pregnancy causes some changes in vascular properties and is known to cause an increase in blood volume and heart rates in the mother during pregnancy. However, these were thought of as temporary changes which go down after pregnancy. The impact of pregnancy on the subsequent development of heart disease in women has always been debated.
मेगना अपने पहले पोस्टपार्टम चेकअप के लिए आई थी। गर्भनिरोधक के बारे में उसे डॉक्टर से पूचने के लिए कुछ सवाल थे। वह दोबारा कब गर्भवती हो सकती है? दो शिशुओं के बीच अंतर अवधि क्या होना है?
Megana had come for her first postpartum checkup. She had some questions to the doctor about contraception. when can she get pregnant again? How soon is too soon? What is the ideal gap period between two babies?
Sheila had delivered a beautiful baby boy last week. She got discharged forms the hospital the next day and she was back to the hospital this week for a regular checkup. Doctor enquired about her vaginal bleeding. She said she still has bleeding but not as much as it was immediately after birth. It is her second week after pregnancy and it has definitely come down and the bleeding is lighter and thinner. This discharge is called Lochia. The Doctor explains to her - Sheila - Whether you delivered your baby vaginally or by cesarean delivery, you can expect some bleeding and vaginal discharge after giving birth. This is because your body continues to shed the blood and tissue that lined your uterus while you were pregnant.