Sheila had delivered a beautiful baby boy last week. She got discharged forms the hospital the next day and she was back to the hospital this week for a regular checkup. Doctor enquired about her vaginal bleeding. She said she still has bleeding but not as much as it was immediately after birth. It is her second week after pregnancy and it has definitely come down and the bleeding is lighter and thinner. This discharge is called Lochia. The Doctor explains to her - Sheila - Whether you delivered your baby vaginally or by cesarean delivery, you can expect some bleeding and vaginal discharge after giving birth. This is because your body continues to shed the blood and tissue that lined your uterus while you were pregnant.
समय आ गया है और आपका बच्चा आ गया है, खुशी का आपका बंडल अब आपके हाथों में है और एक मां के रूप में, आप खुशी, उत्तेजना और कभी-कभी चिंता की मिश्रित भावनाओं से गुजर सकते हैं। आप और आपके बच्चे प्रसव पीड़ा और डिलीवरी की घटनाओं से थक सकते हैं। यह काफी सामान्य है। आगंतुकों को कम से कम पहले दिन दूर रखना और अपने बच्चे की जरूरतों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना एक अच्छा विचार है।
I always get many questions from viewers asking about ways to make sure the baby is of a particular gender. Some parents are inquisitive to know if eating certain foods can guarantee a particular gender, while some want to know if a particular herbal medicine or timing of sex helps in having a boy or a girl. So let us find out about some myths and some facts.
Pregnancy is a wonderful experience, a journey where every day is a new day with a different experience. Women go through a range of emotions, food cravings, food aversions and not to mention, all kinds of pains. In this blog, I would like to briefly touch upon the various reasons for the back pain which many women experience during pregnancy.