Dr Padma is a Family care physician and is the Founder and CEO of MedHealthTV.
I can imagine you looking at those two red lines on the pregnancy kit. Congratulations! You are Pregnant! I am sure you are excited and can’t wait to share the news with your spouse and your dear ones….After the initial excitement, it is time to pick up the phone and make an appointment with your doctor. It is also the time to focus on your health and the health of your baby growing inside you.
You have seen what has happened in the last 9 weeks of pregnancy and also how the baby has been developing in the last 9 weeks. What happens in the 10th week?
I am sure you are very anxious to share the good news of your pregnancy with your friends and relatives. But it is better for you to wait for some more time.
This is the 9th week of pregnancy. Your weight would have increased a little in this week. This week you could also have some food cravings. You may have to see your Doctor this week and the Doctor could do one ultrasound on you. You may be able to see and hear the beating of your baby’s heart for the first time. This could be a happy moment for you and could be
In this week you may be experiencing vomiting, breast pain and increased frequency of urination. Nausea and vomiting is because of the hormones relating to pregnancy and also because of the increased production of acid in the stomach and decreased digestion. Eating more fruits and vegetables can reduce nausea and vomiting. The doctor may also prescribe some vitamin tablets for the relief of vomiting.
Although the pregnancy test is positive it is wise to announce the pregnancy a few weeks later. Nobody can even make out that you are pregnant from outside. You could be feeling a little tired.
The baby’s eyes, retina, and lens has already developed. Placenta has already begun to function
What happens in the 6th week of pregnancy. This week you could get your pregnancy confirmed either by the blood test or by urine pregnancy test.
So how is the embryo developing in your uterus? The embryo is the size of a sesame seed and is dividing into 3 layers. The upper layer forms into the future brain and spinal chord of the baby.
You may not have got your periods this week. You could be feeling tired and nauseated. You may feel like having a few food items and vomit at the sight of some food items. You may be having frequency of urination and breast pain and feel happy sometimes and be depressed sometimes. You may feel like crying and also scared at times. The fatigue in pregnant women
Do you know that by the time you come to know that you are pregnant that is - by the time your pregnancy test comes out as positive, you are already 4 weeks pregnant? You may experience all symptoms of pregnancy or sometimes you may not have any signs of pregnancy. That is why it is very important to see a Doctor and get your pregnancy confirmed. This time is very important for the growth of the embryo.
In this week the fertilized egg gets implanted in the wall of the Uterus and begins to divide into various cells. A woman may not have any signs or symptoms of pregnancy. She can wait for another week or two to get a pregnancy test done. There are two types of Pregnancy tests. The first one is Urine or Home pregnancy test. This test can be done at home.
Let us see what happens in the second week of Pregnancy. There are a lot of changes in a pregnant woman's body relating to the increase in hormones.
With Doctor’s advice, she should start her exercise routine like walking and also makes changes in her food habits.