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Did you know - Interesting facts about pregnancy

Did you know - Interesting facts about pregnancy (0)

Here we bring you one interesting fact about prenatal, pregnancy, postpartum and child care every month. Don't forget to come back for more.

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Exercise during Pregnancy

Exercise during Pregnancy (0)

Here you will articles relating to exercise and physical activity during pregnancy and post-partum 

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Pregnancy News

Pregnancy News (4)

In this section, we would like to bring you news relating to Pregnancy from around the world. 

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Friday, 12 January 2018 07:28

The Pregnancy - Week 20

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You are almost halfway through your pregnancy. It is time to feel good and relaxed and enjoy your pregnancy. Your uterus may be felt almost close to your belly button. This week symptoms of vomiting and nausea may also have come down. You would have…
Friday, 12 January 2018 07:11

The Pregnancy - Week 19

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This is your 19th week. The baby is growing rapidly. By the end of this week, the baby is probably 8 to 9 inches long and 600 grams in weight. The baby’s kidneys could also have begun functioning now and making urine and the baby’s…
Friday, 12 January 2018 06:58

The Pregnancy - Week 18

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This is the 18th week. You may be feeling a lot hungry this week. This happens because the baby is being supported by the mother. You have to take care of what you eat as the baby is getting all its nutrition from you. You…
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