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Recipes (8)

In this section, we will be posting recipes every month. Every month we will pick one nutrient and explain the importance of it in our nutrition section and in this section we will be posting a recipe which contains that substance. 

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Monday, 22 January 2018 08:59

What is Polyhydramnios ( Excess amniotic fluid)?

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Mild to moderate polyhydramnios can be harmless and pregnancy may go on with out any complications but, severe polyhydramnios where the fluid is more than 3 times normal like around 3 liters or so can lead to complications and premature labor. Polyhydramnios is usually seen…
Monday, 22 January 2018 08:12

What is amniotic fluid?

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Many pregnant women are concerned about their baby getting hurt with the slightest blow to their abdomen. It is a valid concern, but at the same time, it is good to know, that nature has an amazing way to protect your foetus. The baby is…
Thursday, 18 January 2018 08:07

What are antenatal vitamins?

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What are antenatal vitamins and Do I need to take them? Antenatal vitamins are vitamin and mineral nutritional supplements useful for women who are pregnant, are planning a pregnancy or are breastfeeding. Women who are planning a pregnancy should be given pre-conception advice, which includes…
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