Have you ever wondered how your baby eats? He or she is swallowing several millilitres of amniotic fluid each day, keeping their digestive system active. Research shows that taste of amniotic fluid can differ based on the food you eat. Although the eyes are still closed your little one can perceive light and darkness. By the end of this month, your baby’s skin becomes less transparent and has more deposition of fat.
You could be feeling
Many women see dark pigmentation over their abdomen in the midline around 22 weeks. This is because the placenta makes melanocyte stimulating hormone, which produces a pigment called melanocyte, which is the same pigment responsible for the dark colour of our hair.
Tests this month
It is recommended that all pregnant women be screened for gestational diabetes between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy. If your Doctor determines that you are high risk for gestational diabetes, she may request the test as early as 13 weeks. In the screening test, you will be asked to drink a special high-glucose fluid, and one hour later, some blood will be drawn and tested. If the results are borderline positive for gestational diabetes, you will be asked to do a second screening test.