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Did you know - Interesting facts about pregnancy

Did you know - Interesting facts about pregnancy (0)

Here we bring you one interesting fact about prenatal, pregnancy, postpartum and child care every month. Don't forget to come back for more.

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Exercise during Pregnancy

Exercise during Pregnancy (0)

Here you will articles relating to exercise and physical activity during pregnancy and post-partum 

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Pregnancy News

Pregnancy News (4)

In this section, we would like to bring you news relating to Pregnancy from around the world. 

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Friday, 12 January 2018 06:51

Being pregnant in winter

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 It is cold outside and you are in your last trimester. Being a full term in winter can carry a few risks and you may need to take some precautions and extra care. The weather being cold outside, it is especially important for you to…
Many women complain of lack of sleep during the last trimester of pregnancy. The lack of sleep can be due to various reasons from stress about the childbirth and also the added responsibility you will have in future, to just being uncomfortable due to the…
Friday, 12 January 2018 05:45

The Pregnancy - Week 17

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You may experience a backache, leg pain, and increasing hunger. The uterus can be felt almost below your umbilicus. The backache could be because of the increase in your weight. You should lie down and take rest and this usually brings down the pain. You…
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