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Wednesday, 28 March 2018 07:36

4. Interesting fact about fourth month of pregnancy

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Did you know that the temperature in the amniotic sac where the fetus is present is slightly warmer than the mother at 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit? The uterus is well within the core of your body which holds your baby throughout the pregnancy. Its temperature is…
How does your baby look this month By the end of the 3rd month the baby is as big as a Plum fruit and 7.6 cm - 10 cm long but inside this body, all organs are already in place. The danger of miscarriage also…
How does the baby look in the second month of pregnancy The baby slowly becoming a human shape and now it is almost the size of a black-eyed bean. You may not feel it but your baby is in constant movement. By the end of…
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