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Recipes (8)

In this section, we will be posting recipes every month. Every month we will pick one nutrient and explain the importance of it in our nutrition section and in this section we will be posting a recipe which contains that substance. 

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Cortisol levels increase during the last term of pregnancy. Cortisol causes the lung maturation of fetus. Cortisol can also cause the depression in women and could be the cause of post-partum depression.
Wednesday, 04 April 2018 07:31

9. Recipe - Boiled Peanut Salad

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Peanuts whether in the form of sweet Chikki or yummy masala peanuts or just peanut salad is packed with nutrients. They can be a healthy snack during pregnancy.
How the baby looks There you go. The baby is all set to come out this month. Your baby is a lovely pumpkin by now. He/she is 46-51 cm tall and weighs 3.2-3.5 kgs by the time you deliver.
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