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Did you know - Interesting facts about pregnancy

Did you know - Interesting facts about pregnancy (0)

Here we bring you one interesting fact about prenatal, pregnancy, postpartum and child care every month. Don't forget to come back for more.

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Exercise during Pregnancy

Exercise during Pregnancy (0)

Here you will articles relating to exercise and physical activity during pregnancy and post-partum 

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Pregnancy News

Pregnancy News (4)

In this section, we would like to bring you news relating to Pregnancy from around the world. 

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Monday, 15 January 2018 11:04

The Pregnancy - Week 31

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You are very hungry and feel like having something yummy and sour. Make sure that your food contains lots of vegetables as the next few weeks of pregnancy is very important and the weight of the baby and the mother tends to increase. Till now…
Monday, 15 January 2018 11:01

The Pregnancy - Week 30

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You might feel little depressed in this week, which is the 30th week of your pregnancy. This is pretty normal for some pregnant women. You may get little concerned about your growing weight. You may also feel very tired. Light walking in the morning, along…
Monday, 15 January 2018 10:57

The Pregnancy - Week 29

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This is 29th week. The baby is 1.8 kgs in weight and closes to 19 inches in height. Baby is slowly accumulating more fat and has less transparent skin. By the time the baby is born it would have doubled its weight. You may be…
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