Dr Padma

Dr Padma

Dr Padma is a Family care physician and is the Founder and CEO of MedHealthTV.

Wednesday, 09 May 2018 08:51

Pregnancy Timeline

Becoming a mother for the first time is probably the most thrilling moment of one’s life. A first-time mom or a first time Parent is most of the time anxious, apprehensive and has unending questions about the various Do’s and Don’ts of Pregnancy. In this blog, I would like to broadly touch upon some exciting milestones of your pregnancy.

Wednesday, 09 May 2018 06:31

Newborn Screening Tests

The day has arrived and you have given birth to a beautiful baby. Congratulations! Anjali, the protagonist of our Series was a little concerned if everything was normal with her baby. She wanted to find out form the Doctor about any tests which are advised to check for any newborn diseases.

You just don’t carry your baby when you are going out or traveling a long distance but a lot of stuff too which your baby may need at any time. Yes, being a parent is being prepared. All you need is a diaper bag which fits all your baby necessities and you are an all set go.

मुझे हमेशा अपने दर्शकों से यह सवाल पूछा जाता है - मैडम जी - मैं गर्भावस्था के अपने 5 वें महीने में हूं, लेकिन, मैं गर्भवती जैसी नहीं दिखती हूं। परेषान होने की कोई बात नहीं… हर एक महिला अलग है, कुछ महिलाएं बहुत जल्द ही वजन पाते है और कुछ महिलाएं 5 वें महीने के बाद। जब तक अल्ट्रासाउंड में सब कुछ सामान्य है और आपका बच्चा सामान्य रूप से बढ़ रहा है - तो आप बिलकुल ठीक हैं।

You have heard from doctors or friends about different milestones of a baby - When he/she first sat without support or walked or talked. Similar to these the babies learn to see over a period of time similar to learning to sit, walk or talk. The ability of the baby to move both eyes together, focus on objects close and far and understand what they are seeing are all skills learned over a period of time.

Wednesday, 02 May 2018 06:31

Burping your baby

Priya noticed that her newborn would spit up a lot after every feed. She also observed that her weeks old baby would not feed for more than 5 minutes and would get uncomfortable. She was worried if the baby was getting enough of her milk.

I tell you what, babies are not so easy to handle. They ask for love, sounds, songs, toys, attention and food/feeding… yes, they ask for diapers too to catch up all the mess they can create and to be healthy and hygiene. Thus, diapers do become an important thing for your baby.

Wednesday, 02 May 2018 06:26

Introducing solid foods to the baby

It is always a challenge and a period of anxiety for a new mother to know what is it that she can give her baby as a complementary food apart from breastfeeding. Complementary foods made Many of my subscribers ask me this question as to when is a good time to start the baby on solid foods and what is a good solid food to start?

Monday, 30 April 2018 07:50

First milk - Colostrum

You must have heard from your Doctor, Nurses and form your elders about the first milk after delivery. This is the thin yellowy substance which is produced soon after delivery. You may be producing not more than a couple of tablespoons of it but it is very nutritious milk and provides lifelong nutrition for the baby. Some women report producing milk before delivery in the later months of pregnancy.

Monday, 30 April 2018 07:42

Pregnancy Pillows during pregnancy

The discomfort you might feel with that big tummy of yours while sleeping might make you go sleepless. Pregnancy pillows are designed for comfortable sleep. It also reduces the pain in the back, hips and joints.

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