Children categories


Recipes (8)

In this section, we will be posting recipes every month. Every month we will pick one nutrient and explain the importance of it in our nutrition section and in this section we will be posting a recipe which contains that substance. 

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Thursday, 26 October 2017 08:06

Weight gain and calorie requirement during pregnancy

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What is the calorie requirement and what is a healthy weight gain for pregnant women? This is the question bothering many pregnant women. Well, Calorie requirement differs from person to person, depending upon several factors like age, body composition and level of physical activity and…
Thursday, 26 October 2017 08:06

5 things you can do for a healthy and happy pregnancy

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Pregnancy is a beautiful journey of your life. Enjoy every moment of it. There will be ups and downs during this journey but go with a positive attitude. Some simple things to keep in mind during your pregnancy to keep yourself fit and healthy.
Thursday, 26 October 2017 08:06

Polycystic Ovarian Disease

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PCOD is one of the reasons for infertility in women. Women with PCOD have anovulatory menstrual cycles, i.e In these women, there is no release of the ovum from the ovary every month. They have multiple small cysts fluid filled sac-like structures in their ovaries.…