Children categories


Recipes (8)

In this section, we will be posting recipes every month. Every month we will pick one nutrient and explain the importance of it in our nutrition section and in this section we will be posting a recipe which contains that substance. 

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Monday, 15 January 2018 11:24

The Pregnancy - Week 36

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This is the 36th week and the baby is in the head down position and is lying on the bones of the pelvis. You are a little tired. You have been pregnant for the past 9 months and waiting to have a healthy baby. If…
Monday, 15 January 2018 11:21

The Pregnancy - Week 35

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For the last 4 weeks, You have been going for checkups to the hospital every week. You are going to get checked levels of the amniotic fluid and also urine for sugar and protein and your BP every time. This week you may complaints of…
Monday, 15 January 2018 11:16

The Pregnancy - Week 34

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Your baby is safe as the baby born any time after this week will be able to survive well. The ultrasound shows the baby in the head down position and is approximately 2.2 kgs in weight and 19 inches long. Baby also has deposition of…
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